Source code for data_extraction.extract_isosurfaces

"""Extracts iso-surfaces from plot files and saves."""

import os
import sys
import time

import h5py
import numpy as np
from mpi4py import MPI
from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter
from skimage.measure import marching_cubes

# from skimage.measure import mesh_surface_area

sys.path.append(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(sys.argv[0], "../../")))
import ytscripts.utilities as utils  # noqa: E402
import ytscripts.ytargs as ytargs  # noqa: E402

[docs] def get_parser(): """Get the parser.""" ytparse = ytargs.ytExtractArgs() # Add in the arguments for the extract isosurfaces ytparse.isosurface_args() return ytparse
[docs] def get_base_parser(): """Get the base level parser primarily for documentation.""" return get_parser().get_parser()
[docs] def get_args(parser): """Get the arguments from the parser.""" args = parser.parse_args() # Get the initial set of arguments init_args = parser.parse_args() # Override the command-line arguments with the input file if init_args.ifile: args = parser.override_args(init_args, init_args.ifile) else: args = vars(init_args) # Return the parsed arguments as a dict return args
[docs] def write_xdmf( fbase, fhdf5, field, ftype, ctype, value, time, conn_shape, coord_shape, field_shape ): """Write the XDMF wrapper based on the hdf5 data.""" # Create the XDMF file for writing xdmf_file = open(f"{fbase}.xmf", "w") # Form the header of the xdmf file xdmf_file.write( """<?xml version="1.0"?>\n""" """<Xdmf Version="3.0" xmlns:xi="">\n""" ) # Form the Domain block xdmf_file.write("\t<Domain>\n") # Form the Grid block xdmf_file.write( f"""\t\t<Grid Name="isoSurface" GridType="Uniform">\n""" f"""\t\t<Information Name="Variable" Value="{field}"/>\n""" f"""\t\t<Information Name="IsoValue" Value="{value}"/>\n""" f"""\t\t<Time Value="{time}"/>\n""" ) # Form the Topology block xdmf_file.write( f"""\t\t\t<Topology TopologyType="Triangle" NumberOfElements=""" f""""{conn_shape[0]} {conn_shape[1]}">\n""" f"""\t\t\t\t<DataItem Name="Conn" Format="HDF" DataType="Int" """ f"""Precision="4" Dimensions="{conn_shape[0]} {conn_shape[1]}">\n""" f"""\t\t\t\t\t{fhdf5}.hdf5:/Conn\n""" f"""\t\t\t\t</DataItem>\n""" f"""\t\t\t</Topology>\n""" ) # Form the Geometry block xdmf_file.write( f"""\t\t\t<Geometry GeometryType="XYZ" NumberOfElements=""" f""""{coord_shape[0]} {coord_shape[1]}">\n""" f"""\t\t\t\t<DataItem Name="Coord" Format="HDF" DataType="Float" """ f"""Precision="8" Dimensions="{coord_shape[0]} {coord_shape[1]}">\n""" f"""\t\t\t\t\t{fhdf5}.hdf5:/Coord\n""" f"""\t\t\t\t</DataItem>\n""" f"""\t\t\t</Geometry>\n""" ) # Form the Attribute block xdmf_file.write( f"""\t\t\t<Attribute Name="{field}" AttributeType="{ftype}" """ f"""Center="{ctype}">\n""" f"""\t\t\t\t<DataItem Format="HDF" DataType="Float" Precision="8" """ f"""Dimensions="{field_shape[0]}">\n""" f"""\t\t\t\t\t{fhdf5}.hdf5:/{field}\n""" f"""\t\t\t\t</DataItem>\n""" f"""\t\t\t</Attribute>\n""" ) # Ending of the Grid block xdmf_file.write("\t\t</Grid>\n") # Ending of the Domain block xdmf_file.write("\t</Domain>\n") # Ending of the XDFM file xdmf_file.write("</Xdmf>") xdmf_file.close()
[docs] def write_hdf5(verts, samples, faces, field, fname): """Write the HDF5 file based on the extracted isosurface.""" with h5py.File(fname, "w") as f: f.create_dataset("Conn", data=faces.astype(np.int32), dtype=np.int32) f.create_dataset("Coord", data=verts, dtype=np.float64) f.create_dataset(field, data=samples, dtype=np.float64) return np.shape(faces), np.shape(verts), np.shape(samples)
[docs] def do_isosurface_extraction( dregion, ds_attributes, outformat, field, value, outpath, fname, comm, rank, size, do_ghost=False, do_yt=False, single_level=False, smooth=None, ds=None, iso_edge=None, do_gradient=False, ): """Do the isosurface extraction according to the input parameters.""" if outformat == "ply": # Create iso-surface surf = ds.surface( data_source=dregion, surface_field=field, field_value=value, ) surf.export_ply( os.path.join(outpath, f"{fname}.ply"), bounds=[(-1.0, 1.0), (-1.0, 1.0), (-1.0, 1.0)], no_ghost=True, ) elif outformat == "obj": dregion.extract_isocontours( field=field, value=value, filename=os.path.join(outpath, f"{fname}.obj"), rescale=False, ) elif outformat in ["hdf5", "xdmf"]: # xdmf or hdf5 will write the hdf5 file and the xdmf wrapper file if do_yt: verts, samples = dregion.extract_isocontours( field=field, value=value, rescale=False, sample_values=field, ) all_verts_np = np.array(verts) # Get the shape of the vertices for the connection array len_verts, dep_verts = np.shape(verts) # Make faces connection array taking the vertices in groups of three faces_np = np.arange(0, len_verts, 1) all_faces_np = faces_np.reshape((-1, dep_verts)) all_samples_np = np.array(samples) else: verts_np = np.empty((0, 3)) faces_np = np.empty((0, 3)) samples_np = np.empty((0)) num_grids = len(dregion.index.grids) comm.barrier() for g in dregion.index.grids[rank:num_grids:size]: if do_ghost: g, child_mask = retrieve_ghost_zones( cube=g, n_zones=1, fields=field, ds_left_edge=ds_attributes["left_edge"], ds_right_edge=ds_attributes["right_edge"], single_level=single_level, do_gradient=do_gradient, ) else: child_mask = g.child_mask # Get the physical cell spacing of the grid dx, dy, dz = np.array( if iso_edge: child_mask = ( child_mask & (np.array(g[("boxlib", "x")]) >= iso_edge[0]) & (np.array(g[("boxlib", "x")]) <= iso_edge[3]) ) child_mask = ( child_mask & (np.array(g[("boxlib", "y")]) >= iso_edge[1]) & (np.array(g[("boxlib", "y")]) <= iso_edge[4]) ) child_mask = ( child_mask & (np.array(g[("boxlib", "z")]) >= iso_edge[2]) & (np.array(g[("boxlib", "z")]) <= iso_edge[5]) ) # perform smoothing before marching cubes if smooth: cube = gaussian_filter(g[field], sigma=smooth) else: cube = g[field] try: verts, faces, normals, values = marching_cubes( volume=cube, level=value, allow_degenerate=True, step_size=1, gradient_direction="ascent", spacing=(dx, dy, dz), method="lewiner", mask=child_mask, ) # area = mesh_surface_area(verts, faces) # offset the physical location verts += np.array(g.fcoords.min(axis=0)) # offset the face indices by the current length of the array len_verts, _ = np.shape(verts_np) faces += len_verts verts_np = np.append(verts_np, verts, axis=0) faces_np = np.append(faces_np, faces, axis=0) samples_np = np.append(samples_np, values, axis=0) except ValueError: # Skip the regions that do not have values for the isosurface pass except RuntimeError: # Skip the regions that are fully masked pass # clear the data to reduce memory constraints g.clear_data() # Explicitly cast the arrays as necessary types verts_np = verts_np.astype(np.float64) faces_np = faces_np.astype(np.int32) samples_np = samples_np.astype(np.float64) comm.barrier() # gather and combine all_verts = comm.gather(verts_np, root=0) all_faces = comm.gather(faces_np, root=0) all_samples = comm.gather(samples_np, root=0) # Barrier before writing comm.barrier() if rank == 0: all_verts_np = np.empty((0, 3), dtype=np.float64) all_faces_np = np.empty((0, 3), dtype=np.int32) all_samples_np = np.empty((0), dtype=np.float64) for i in range(size): # offset the face indices by the current length of the array len_verts, _ = np.shape(all_verts_np) all_faces[i] += len_verts all_verts_np = np.append(all_verts_np, all_verts[i], axis=0) all_faces_np = np.append(all_faces_np, all_faces[i], axis=0) all_samples_np = np.append(all_samples_np, all_samples[i], axis=0) # Write out the hdf5 and the xdmf file if rank == 0: conn_shape, coord_shape, field_shape = write_hdf5( verts=all_verts_np, samples=all_samples_np, faces=all_faces_np, field=field, fname=os.path.join(outpath, f"{fname}.hdf5"), ) write_xdmf( fbase=os.path.join(outpath, fname), fhdf5=fname, field=field, ftype="Scalar", ctype="Node" if not do_yt else "Cell", value=value, time=ds_attributes["time"], conn_shape=conn_shape, coord_shape=coord_shape, field_shape=field_shape, ) else: sys.exit(f"Format {outformat} not in [ply, obj, hdf5, xdmf]")
[docs] def retrieve_ghost_zones( cube, n_zones, fields, ds_left_edge, ds_right_edge, single_level, do_gradient, ): # Get the cube index information start_idx = cube.get_global_startindex() act_dims = cube.ActiveDimensions child_mask = cube.child_mask # Define the left and right physical edges we are trying to access left_phys = ds_left_edge + (start_idx - n_zones) * right_phys = left_phys + (act_dims + 2 * n_zones) * # Get the conditional array to determine which boundary we might cross left_cond = left_phys <= ds_left_edge right_cond = right_phys >= ds_right_edge # Define the new left edge and new dimensions of the box we want nl = start_idx - n_zones * np.invert(left_cond) new_left_edge = nl * + ds_left_edge new_dims = ( act_dims + n_zones * np.invert(left_cond) + n_zones * np.invert(right_cond) ) # Append values to the child mask add_left_side = start_idx - nl add_right_side = (new_dims - act_dims) - add_left_side child_mask = np.append( np.full( (add_left_side[0], np.shape(child_mask)[1], np.shape(child_mask)[2]), False, dtype=bool, ), child_mask, axis=0, ) child_mask = np.append( np.full( (np.shape(child_mask)[0], add_left_side[1], np.shape(child_mask)[2]), False, dtype=bool, ), child_mask, axis=1, ) child_mask = np.append( np.full( (np.shape(child_mask)[0], np.shape(child_mask)[1], add_left_side[2]), False, dtype=bool, ), child_mask, axis=2, ) child_mask = np.append( child_mask, np.full( (add_right_side[0], np.shape(child_mask)[1], np.shape(child_mask)[2]), False, dtype=bool, ), axis=0, ) child_mask = np.append( child_mask, np.full( (np.shape(child_mask)[0], add_right_side[1], np.shape(child_mask)[2]), False, dtype=bool, ), axis=1, ) child_mask = np.append( child_mask, np.full( (np.shape(child_mask)[0], np.shape(child_mask)[1], add_right_side[2]), False, dtype=bool, ), axis=2, ) # Get the new cube that defined by the new covering grid cube = cube.ds.covering_grid( level=cube.Level if single_level else cube.index.max_level, left_edge=new_left_edge, dims=new_dims, num_ghost_zones=n_zones if do_gradient else 0, ) return cube, child_mask
[docs] def main(): """Main function for extracting isosurfaces.""" comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD rank = comm.Get_rank() size = comm.Get_size() # Parse the input arguments parser = get_parser() args = get_args(parser) # Create the output directory if rank == 0: if args["outpath"]: outpath = args["outpath"] else: outpath = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(sys.argv[0], "../../outdata", "isosurfaces") ) os.makedirs(outpath, exist_ok=True) # Load the plt files ts, _ = utils.load_dataseries( datapath=args["datapath"], pname=args["pname"], ) base_attributes = utils.get_attributes(ds=ts[0]) if args["verbose"]: print(f"""The fields in this dataset are: {base_attributes["field_list"]}""") comm.Barrier() if rank == 0: start_time = time.time() # Loop over the plt files in the data directory for ds in ts: # Barrier at the start of each ds iteration comm.Barrier() # Visualize the gradient field, if requested if args["gradient"]: vis_field = utils.get_gradient_field(ds, args["field"], args["gradient"]) else: vis_field = args["field"] # Force periodicity for the yt surface extraction routines... if args["format"] in ["ply", "obj"] or args["yt"]: ds.force_periodicity() # Get the updated attributes for the current plt file ds_attributes = utils.get_attributes(ds=ds) # Create box region the encompasses the domain dregion = ds.all_data() # Export the isosurfaces in specified format if args["value"]: fname = f"""isosurface_{vis_field}_{args["value"]}_{ds.basename}""" value = args["value"] elif args["vfunction"]: vstime = args["vfunction"][0] vetime = args["vfunction"][2] vsval = args["vfunction"][1] veval = args["vfunction"][3] ds_time = float(ds_attributes["time"]) if ds_time >= vetime: value = veval elif ds_time <= vstime: value = vsval else: value = vsval + (veval - vsval) * ( (ds_time - vstime) / (vetime - vstime) ) fname = f"isosurface_{vis_field}_{ds.basename}_vfunction_{value:.2e}" if rank == 0: print(f"""The value at time = {ds_time} is {value}.""") else: sys.exit("must have either value or vfunction defined!") if args["yt"]: fname += "_yt" do_isosurface_extraction( dregion=dregion, ds_attributes=ds_attributes, outformat=args["format"], field=vis_field, value=value, outpath=outpath if rank == 0 else None, fname=fname, comm=comm, rank=rank, size=size, do_ghost=args["do_ghost"], do_yt=args["yt"], single_level=args["single_level"], smooth=args["smooth"], ds=ds if args["format"] == "ply" else None, iso_edge=args["iso_edge"], do_gradient=True if args["gradient"] else False, ) if rank == 0: print( f"Time to do isosurface extract = {time.time() - start_time} seconds." ) if rank == 0: print(f"Elapsed time = {time.time() - start_time} seconds.")
if __name__ == "__main__": main()