Source code for plot_data.plot_slices

"""Load slices from npz and plot."""

import os
import sys

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

sys.path.append(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(sys.argv[0], "../../")))
import ytscripts.utilities as utils  # noqa: E402
import ytscripts.ytargs as ytargs  # noqa: E402

[docs] def get_parser(): """Get the parser.""" ytparse = ytargs.ytPlotArgs() # Add in the arguments for the plot slices ytparse.slice_args() return ytparse
[docs] def get_base_parser(): """Get the base level parser primarily for documentation.""" return get_parser().get_parser()
[docs] def get_args(parser): """Get the arguments from the parser.""" args = parser.parse_args() # Get the initial set of arguments init_args = parser.parse_args() # Override the command-line arguments with the input file if init_args.ifile: args = parser.override_args(init_args, init_args.ifile) else: args = vars(init_args) # Return the parsed arguments as a dict return args
[docs] def main(): # Parse the input arguments parser = get_parser() args = get_args(parser) # Create the output directory if args["outpath"]: imgpath = args["outpath"] else: imgpath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(sys.argv[0], "../../outdata", "images")) os.makedirs(imgpath, exist_ok=True) # Get list of files in the data directory files = np.sort(os.listdir(args["datapath"])) # Loop over files, plot and save images index = 0 for fname in files: # Load the data data = np.load(os.path.join(args["datapath"], fname), allow_pickle=True) # Print out the variables in the dataset if index == 0 and args["verbose"]: print(f"""The variables contained in this file are: {data.files}""") # Unpack the dicts ds_attributes = data["ds_attributes"][()] slices = data["slices"][()] # fields = data["fields"][()] dxyz = ds_attributes["dxyz"] # Get some variables normal = data["normal"] iloc = data["iloc"] time = ds_attributes["time"] length_unit = ds_attributes["length_unit"] if args["field"] not in data["fields"]: sys.exit(f"""{args["field"]} not in {data["fields"]}""") # Inputs for plotting ylen, xlen = slices[args["field"]].shape if args["pbox"] is None: fx, fy = utils.get_fig_aspect_ratio(xlen, ylen, base=5) else: if normal == "x": fx, fy = utils.get_fig_aspect_ratio( xlen=(args["pbox"][2] - args["pbox"][0]) / dxyz[1], ylen=(args["pbox"][3] - args["pbox"][1]) / dxyz[2], base=3, ) elif normal == "y": fx, fy = utils.get_fig_aspect_ratio( xlen=(args["pbox"][2] - args["pbox"][0]) / dxyz[0], ylen=(args["pbox"][3] - args["pbox"][1]) / dxyz[2], base=3, ) elif normal == "z": fx, fy = utils.get_fig_aspect_ratio( xlen=(args["pbox"][2] - args["pbox"][0]) / dxyz[0], ylen=(args["pbox"][3] - args["pbox"][1]) / dxyz[1], base=3, ) else: sys.exit(f"Normal {normal} not in: [x, y, z]") # Set the figure and axes fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(fx, fy)) # Set the colormap cmap =["cmap"]) if normal == "x": y = np.linspace( ds_attributes["left_edge"][1], ds_attributes["right_edge"][1], xlen ) z = np.linspace( ds_attributes["left_edge"][2], ds_attributes["right_edge"][2], ylen ) Y, Z = np.meshgrid(y, z, indexing="xy") im = ax.pcolormesh( Y, Z, slices[args["field"]], cmap=cmap, vmin=args["fbounds"][0] if args["fbounds"] else None, vmax=args["fbounds"][1] if args["fbounds"] else None, ) ax.set_xlabel(f"y ({length_unit.units})") ax.set_ylabel(f"z ({length_unit.units})") elif normal == "y": x = np.linspace( ds_attributes["left_edge"][0], ds_attributes["right_edge"][0], xlen ) z = np.linspace( ds_attributes["left_edge"][2], ds_attributes["right_edge"][2], ylen ) X, Z = np.meshgrid(x, z, indexing="xy") im = ax.pcolormesh( X, Z, slices[args["field"]], cmap=cmap, vmin=args["fbounds"][0], vmax=args["fbounds"][1], ) ax.set_xlabel(f"x ({length_unit.units})") ax.set_ylabel(f"z ({length_unit.units})") elif normal == "z": x = np.linspace( ds_attributes["left_edge"][0], ds_attributes["right_edge"][0], xlen ) y = np.linspace( ds_attributes["left_edge"][1], ds_attributes["right_edge"][1], ylen ) X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y, indexing="xy") im = ax.pcolormesh( X, Y, slices[args["field"]], cmap=cmap, vmin=args["fbounds"][0], vmax=args["fbounds"][1], ) ax.set_xlabel(f"x ({length_unit.units})") ax.set_ylabel(f"y ({length_unit.units})") else: sys.exit(f"Normal {normal} not in: [x, y, z]") ax.set_title( f"""{normal} = {iloc:.4f} {length_unit.units}, """ f"""time = {float(time.in_units("ms")):.2f} ms""" ) if args["pbox"]: ax.set_xlim(args["pbox"][0], args["pbox"][2]) ax.set_ylim(args["pbox"][1], args["pbox"][3]) else: ax.set_aspect("equal") fig.tight_layout() fig.colorbar(im, ax=ax) fig.savefig( os.path.join( imgpath, f"""{args["field"]}_{normal}{iloc:.4f}_{index}.png""" ), dpi=args["dpi"], ) index += 1
if __name__ == "__main__": main()