Source code for ytscripts.ytargs

"""Argument Parser classes for common arguments."""

import argparse
import sys
import tomllib

from pydantic.v1.utils import deep_update

from ytscripts.utilities import is_notebook

[docs] class ytArgs: """Base class with standard inputs for yt scripts.""" def __init__(self): """Initialize ytArgs.""" self.parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() self.io_args()
[docs] def get_parser(self): """Return the parser.""" return self.parser
[docs] def parse_args(self, args=None): """Return the parsed args.""" return ( self.parser.parse_args() if args is None else self.parser.parse_args(args) )
[docs] def add_args_from_dict(self, args): """Add arguments from a dictionary.""" for arg, properties in args.items(): self.parser.add_argument(f"--{arg}", **properties)
[docs] def add_mutually_exclusive_args_from_dict(self, args): """Add mutually exclusive arguments from a dictionary.""" group = self.parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True) for arg, properties in args.items(): group.add_argument(f"--{arg}", **properties)
[docs] def override_args(self, init_args, input_file): """Override CLI arguments with those from input file.""" if input_file: with open(input_file, "rb") as f: input_options = tomllib.load(f) # Now combine the two with preference to the input file args = deep_update(vars(init_args), input_options) # If the code is being run in a notebook, ignore --f argument if is_notebook(): sys_args = [arg for arg in sys.argv if not arg.startswith("--f=")] else: sys_args = sys.argv # Update any manually specified arguments for indx, iarg in enumerate(sys_args): if "-" in iarg[0]: user_arg = iarg.replace("-", "") # Check to see if arg is a flag if type(args[user_arg]) is bool: args = deep_update(args, {user_arg: True}) else: args = deep_update(args, {user_arg: sys_args[indx + 1]}) else: args = vars(init_args) return args
# TODO: remove argument from dictionary instead of dealing with it in the parser # need to return the updated dictionary for all functions, then update the # parser at the end (or in the main script) # def remove_arg_from_dict(self, args, rm_arg): # """Remove argument from dictionary.""" # if rm_arg in args: # del args[rm_arg] # return args
[docs] def remove_arg(self, arg): """Remove argument from parser.""" for action in self.parser._actions: opts = action.option_strings if (opts and opts[0] == arg) or action.dest == arg: self.parser._remove_action(action) break for action in self.parser._action_groups: for group_action in action._group_actions: if group_action.dest == arg: action._group_actions.remove(group_action) return
[docs] def io_args(self): """Add I/O arguments.""" args = { "datapath": { "type": str, "required": False, "default": None, "help": "Path to the data files.", }, "outpath": { "type": str, "required": False, "default": None, "help": "Path to the output directory.", }, "pname": { "type": str, "nargs": "+", "required": False, "default": None, "help": "Name of plt files to plot (if empty, do all)", }, "field": { "type": str, "required": False, "default": None, "help": "Name of the field for visualization.", }, "SI": { "action": "store_true", "help": "Flag to set the units to SI (default is cgs).", }, "verbose": { "action": "store_true", "help": "Flag to turn on various statements.", }, "no_mpi": { "action": "store_true", "help": "Flag to manually disable mpi features.", }, "nprocs": { "type": int, "required": False, "default": 1, "help": ( "Number of processors to devote to each file when operating in" "parallel mode" ), }, "nskip": { "type": int, "required": False, "default": None, "help": """Skip every "nskip" entries in "pname" list.""", }, "ifile": { "type": str, "required": False, "default": None, "help": "Path to the input file for configuring plots.", }, } # Add arguments from dict to parser self.add_args_from_dict(args)
[docs] def orientation_args(self): """Add 2D slicing arguments.""" args = { "normal": { "type": str, "required": False, "default": "z", "help": "Normal direction for the slice plot.", }, "grid_offset": { "type": float, "required": False, "default": 0.0, "help": "Amount to offset center to avoid grid alignment vis issues.", }, } # Add arguments from dict to parser self.add_args_from_dict(args)
[docs] def vis_2d_args(self): """Add 2D visualization arguments.""" args = { "cmap": { "type": str, "required": False, "default": "dusk", "help": "Colormap for the 2D plot.", }, "dpi": { "type": int, "required": False, "default": 300, "help": "dpi of the output image (default = 300).", }, "pbox": { "type": float, "nargs": "+", "required": False, "default": None, "help": ( "Bounding box of the plot specified by the two corners " "(x0 y0 x1 y1)." ), }, "fbounds": { "type": float, "nargs": "+", "required": False, "default": None, "help": "Bounds for the colorbar.", }, } # Add arguments from dict to parser self.add_args_from_dict(args)
[docs] class ytVisArgs(ytArgs): """Class to interface with standard yt visualization functions.""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize ytVisArgs.""" super(ytVisArgs, self).__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] def slice_args(self): """Add arguments for SlicePlot.""" args = { "center": { "type": float, "nargs": "+", "required": False, "default": None, "help": "Coordinate list for center of slice plot (x, y, z).", }, "plot_log": { "action": "store_true", "help": "Plot in log values.", }, "grids": { "type": float, "nargs": "+", "required": False, "default": None, "help": ( "Options to specify annotate grids (alpha, min_level, max_level, " "linewidth)." ), }, "cells": { "type": str, "nargs": "+", "required": False, "default": None, "help": "Options to specify annotate cells (linewidth, alpha, color).", }, "buff": { "type": int, "nargs": "+", "required": False, "default": None, "help": "Buffer for the SlicePlot image for plotting.", }, "contour": { "type": str, "nargs": "+", "required": False, "default": None, "help": "Name of contour field and value to plot on top of slice.", }, "clw": { "type": float, "nargs": "+", "required": False, "default": None, "help": "Linewidth for each of the contour lines.", }, "pickle": { "action": "store_true", "help": "Flag to store image as pickle for later manipulation.", }, "grid_info": { "type": float, "nargs": "+", "required": False, "default": None, "help": ( "Add text box with grid information (xloc, yloc, min_lev, max_lev)." ), }, "rm_eb": { "type": float, "required": False, "default": None, "help": "Float value to plot non-fluid using binary cmap [0, 1].", }, "gradient": { "type": str, "choices": ["x", "y", "z", "magnitude"], "required": False, "default": None, "help": "Choice to visualize the gradient of the input field.", }, "no_time": { "action": "store_true", "help": "Flag to remove the timestamp.", }, "no_units": { "action": "store_true", "help": "Flag to remove all units from plots.", }, "add_udf": { "type": str, "required": False, "default": None, "help": "Name of user defined functions file (located in udfs/).", }, "use_tex": { "action": "store_true", "help": "Flag to use latex parser.", }, } # Add arguments from dict to parser self.add_args_from_dict(args)
[docs] class ytExtractArgs(ytArgs): """Class to interface with custom data extraction functions.""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize ytExtractArgs.""" super(ytExtractArgs, self).__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] def slice_args(self): """Add arguments for extract slices routine.""" args = { "min": { "type": float, "required": True, "help": "Index of the first slice to extract in the normal direction.", }, "max": { "type": float, "required": True, "help": "Index of the last slice to extract in the normal direction.", }, "num_slices": { "type": int, "required": True, "help": "Number of slices to extract in normal direction.", }, "gradient": { "type": str, "choices": ["x", "y", "z", "magnitude"], "required": False, "default": None, "help": "Choice to extract the gradient of the input field.", }, } # Add arguments from dict to parser self.add_args_from_dict(args)
[docs] def isosurface_args(self): """Add arguments for extracting iso-surfaces.""" val_args = { "value": { "type": float, "help": "Value of the iso surface to extract.", }, "vfunction": { "type": float, "nargs": "+", "help": ( "Value of the iso surface to extract as a function " "(start_time; start_value; end_time; end_value)." ), }, } args = { "format": { "type": str, "required": False, "default": "ply", "help": "Output format of the iso-surface.", }, "yt": { "action": "store_true", "help": ( "Flag to enable yt iso-surface extraction when outputting in " "hdf5/xdmf format only (default to faster, custom routine)." ), }, "do_ghost": { "action": "store_true", "help": "Flag to get ghost cells before the iso-surface extraction.", }, "single_level": { "action": "store_true", "help": "Flag to only get single grid level for isosurface.", }, "smooth": { "type": float, "required": False, "default": None, "help": "Smoothing value to apply to field before isosurface extract", }, "iso_edge": { "type": float, "nargs": "+", "required": False, "default": None, "help": "Physical box inside which we extract isosurfaces.", }, "gradient": { "type": str, "choices": ["x", "y", "z", "magnitude"], "required": False, "default": None, "help": "Choice to extract the gradient of the input field.", }, } # Add arguments from dict to parser self.add_args_from_dict(args) # Add mutually exclusive arguments from dict to parser self.add_mutually_exclusive_args_from_dict(val_args)
[docs] def average_args(self): """Add arguments for extracting averages.""" args = { "fields": { "type": str, "nargs": "+", "required": True, "default": None, "help": "Names of the data fields to extract.", }, "name": { "type": str, "required": False, "default": "average_data", "help": "Name of the output data file (.pkl).", }, "normal": { "type": str, "choices": ["x", "y", "z"], "required": False, "default": None, "help": "Option to perform 2D slice (defaults to domain average).", }, "location": { "type": float, "required": False, "default": None, "help": ( "Physical location to perform the 2D slice (if normal is defined)." ), }, "rm_eb": { "action": "store_true", "help": "Flag to explicitly remove all data in EB regions.", }, } # Add arguments from dict to parser self.add_args_from_dict(args) # remove potentially conflicting arguments from base class self.remove_arg("field")
[docs] def grid_args(self): """Add arguments for extracting grid info.""" args = { "name": { "type": str, "required": False, "default": "average_data", "help": "Name of the output data file (.pkl).", }, } # Add arguments from dict to parser self.add_args_from_dict(args) # remove potentially conflicting arguments from base class self.remove_arg("field")
[docs] class ytPlotArgs(ytArgs): """Class to interface with custom plot functions.""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize ytPlotArgs.""" super(ytPlotArgs, self).__init__(**kwargs) # remove unused arguments from base class self.remove_arg("pname") self.remove_arg("SI")
[docs] def slice_args(self): """Add arguments for plotting slices.""" self.vis_2d_args()
[docs] def average_args(self): """Add arguments for plotting averages.""" args = { "fields": { "type": str, "nargs": "+", "required": True, "default": None, "help": "Names of the data fields to plot.", }, "fname": { "type": str, "nargs": "+", "required": True, "default": "average_data", "help": "Name of the data file to load and plot (.pkl).", }, "dpi": { "type": int, "required": False, "default": 300, "help": "dpi of the output image (default = 300).", }, } # Add arguments from dict to parser self.add_args_from_dict(args) # remove potentially conflicting arguments from base class self.remove_arg("field")
[docs] def grid_args(self): """Add arguments for plotting grid info.""" args = { "fname": { "type": str, "required": True, "default": "grid_info", "help": "Name of the data file to load and plot (.pkl).", }, "dpi": { "type": int, "required": False, "default": 300, "help": "dpi of the output image (default = 300).", }, "ptype": { "type": str, "required": False, "choices": ["line", "pie", "bar"], "default": "line", "help": "type of plot to make.", }, } # Add arguments from dict to parser self.add_args_from_dict(args) # remove potentially conflicting arguments from base class self.remove_arg("field")
[docs] class ytAnalysisArgs(ytArgs): """Class to interface with custom data analysis functions.""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize ytAnalysisArgs.""" super(ytAnalysisArgs, self).__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] def mixture_fraction(self): """Add in arguments for analyzing mixture fraction data.""" args = { "name": { "type": str, "required": False, "default": "mixture_average", "help": "Name of the output data file (.pkl).", }, "rm_eb": { "required": False, "action": "store_true", "help": "Flag to explicitly remove all data in EB regions.", }, "nbins": { "required": False, "type": int, "default": 10, "help": "Number of bins to use for the mixture fraction averaging.", }, } # Add arguments from dict to parser self.add_args_from_dict(args) # remove potentially conflicting arguments from base class self.remove_arg("field")